Let's explore the territory

Monte Covolo

The archaeological area

On the western slopes of Monte Covolo, in 1972 one of the most important prehistoric sites of northern Italy was identified: a settlement that dominated the entrance of the valley from the late Neolithic (IV millennium BC) to the Middle Bronze (XV century BC). The site was discovered by Sergio Persi of the Grotte Gavardo Group, who found the first fragments of bell-shaped ceramics found in northern Italy. The discovery attracted the attention of the English scholar Lawrence H. Barfield who began a series of successful researches together with the Valle Sabbia Archaeological Museum until 1994.

Between 1998 and 1999 the Superintendence carried out emergency excavations to document the part of the town affected by the work on the new SS45bis state road. The village was built on the slopes of the mountain, on artificial and natural terraces, which housed rectangular houses with wooden walls and clay and thatched roof. The finds are exhibited at the Valle Sabbia Archaeological Museum, in Piazza S. Bernardino, 5, in Gavardo (BS)


01. Reparo Cavallino
02. Reparo Cavallino
03. Graphic reconstruction of the Reparo Cavallino

Reparo Persi and Reparo Cavallino

During the Copper Age, some underground shelters for burial began to be frequented. In fact, the excavations at the Reparo Persi and at the Reparo Cavallino witnessed for the first time in the Valsabbina area the eneolithic practice of secondary collective burial inside stone enclosures leaning against the mountain wall. In the Cavallino area, flint extraction areas have been identified, while on the top of the mountain a place of worship from the Iron Age (VII-II century BC) has been investigated, characterised by the lighting of votive fires. A Roman period is documented in the cave of the Bus del Bo and in the area of the prehistoric settlement.

Local products

There are many varieties of fruit trees that grow well in our climate zone: apples, pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, kiwis, whose fruits are consumed fresh or transformed into jams and juices. Find your nearest manufacturer:

Cascina Legnago

Production, transformation and sale of organic fruit.
Address: via Legnago 54 25089 Villanuova sul Clisi (BS)
Telephone: 389 837 4614
Facebook: Az Agricola Cascina Legnago

Let's explore the territory

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